Recycled plastic hanging acoustic panel

Recycled plastic hanging acoustic panel

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Hotline: 0919.680.581



Recycled plastic hanging acoustic panel


Recycled plastic

Manufacture year
Product code

Stone is an acoustic ceilings panel designed by projecting the actual stadows of bebbles from a streambed behind our workshop.‎ Jeff created this harmonious family of four.‎ If installed on different heights and in different earth tones the acoustic ceiling becomes a calming elment ideal for gangways resembling a zen garden.‎

Acoustic ceilings offer the largest surface for soundproofing and to control the acoustic wellbeing in a room.‎ Never has the planning of reflected ceiling plans be more fun than with the use of our flexible solutions.‎ An enormous range of colours and a material that can be cut in any shape you might desire offers endless possibilities.‎

Further info from manufacturer on STONE IMPACT ACOUSTIC®

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