Hydroponic garden unit

Hydroponic garden unit

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Hydroponic garden unit


Stainless Steel

NATUFIA SMART INDOOR GARDEN is an high end smart home appliance to grow organic herbs and vegetables indoor.‎

How does it work?
Natufia technology automatically maintains optimal light, temperature, water and PH levels to ensure perfect growing conditions.‎ It does so too for minerals, nutrients, and non-GMO vitamins for leaves and flowers.‎ As the plants are protected from external factors, there is no need for pesticides, herbicides or fungicides.‎ The unit can operate year round, 24/7, without having to worry about climate or season.‎
Thanks to its software and sensors, the Natufia unit can monitor and adjust its growing conditions, and as it is connected to Wifi, our engineers can also monitor vital functions remotely and correct parameters as necessary.‎  
Up to 32 different plants can be grown simultaneously, which allows 1 or 2 harvest per day, with the unit easily providing for a family of four.‎ The quality, nutritional content, taste, freshness and aromas are equal to those of a well-tended organic garden, but within reach and with less effort.‎ 
The standard range of species is 50 varieties.‎ All seeds are strictly non GMO, with most also organic and certified Demeter.‎ 

Other advantages include:
▪︎ Minimal energy consumption thanks to LEDs that mirror natural light, using a specific spectrum for optimal growth
▪︎ Reduced water consumption (200 litres per month), far less (-95%) than traditional agriculture
▪︎ Standard appliance size that allows easy integration to kitchens
▪︎ Vitamin content 400% higher than for produce bought in shops, no toxins or preservatives

International Awards:
▪︎ Innovation Award 2019 KBIS, Las Vegas USA
▪︎ Sustainable Design Award, 2019, American Society of Interior Designers, Santa Monica USA
▪︎ Innovation Award 2020 KBB, Birmingham, UK

© 2020 - Công ty TNHH SX TM Triệu Gia - Địa chỉ: 44 / 5F Ấp Tam Đông 3. Xã Thới Tam Thôn, Huyện Hóc Môn, Tp Hồ Chí Minh

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