Motorized pergola with adjustable louvers

Motorized pergola with adjustable louvers

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Motorized pergola with adjustable louvers

The Camargue is an innovative terrace covering equipped with a bladed roof system, that can be closed off on both sides with wind-resistant integrated Fixscreens, glass sliding walls, Loggia sliding panels or a combination of the former.‎ Integrated LED lighting, heating and sound perfectly complement the Camargue.‎ With the help of these features, your terrace covering can be used from early morning until late at night and this throughout the whole year.‎
The roof consists of extruded aluminium blades that can be tilted to adjust sun protection and ventilation as required.‎ When closed, the terrace covering is waterproof in case of a typical rain shower.‎ This new technology is based on two pillars: simplicity and uniformity.‎ This simplicity and consistency are translating into innovative, patented basic principles, which cause a modular structure.‎ In this way, the designer can be creative in many different building situations.‎ In spite of all these possibilities, the Camargue can be installed in no time because of its easy construction and limited types of materials.‎

Further info from manufacturer on CAMARGUE® RENSON

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